ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 6114212
+48 56 6114213
e-mail: ucjo@umk.pl

Teaching Staff

mgr Dorota Foltańska-Borowiecka
English Section

room no: 4, Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48-56-611-4208
e-mail: dfb@umk.pl
www: https://moodle.umk.pl/UCJO/course/view.php?id=594

1. Needs analysis and tertiary-level ESP curriculum design.
2. The effects of new technologies on teaching and learning – e-learning and language teaching.
3. English for academic purposes - curriculum design and assessment.
4. Effective strategies for teaching adults and addressing the diverse needs of adult students.
5. The role of communicative competence.
6. New perspectives on language teaching content in the light of rapidly- changing job market.

Office Hours:
Semestr letni 2023/2024

Środa 9:00-9:45
Piątek 9:00-9:45

dyżur z środy 29 maja godz. 9: 00-9: 45 zostaje przeniesiony na piątek 7 czerwca godz. 8:15-9:00