Contact ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 6114212
+48 56 6114213

12th-14th November 2024

II YUFE – Ukraine Seminar:
Cooperation in Online Language Teaching and Learning

The purpose of that meeting is to exchange experience on practical approach to online language teaching and learning.  You can either come to share your online teaching experience or you can come to learn what others do.

The second aim is to provide language teachers, with the opportunity to create and strengthen  mutual teaching projects that will enhance YUFE-Ukraine links and enhance the motivation of Ukrainian colleagues who are striving to support their students.

Seminar Programme

Practical information for the arriving guests

Read about our seminar here; Winska, J., & Shevchenko, I. (2024). Multimodal, transmedial, and trans-European perspectives for online language teaching and learning: II YUFE – Ukraine seminar. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (29), 104-110.

Organising Committee:
Joanna Wińska (
Anna Hućko (
Victoriia Klavdich (
Joanna Ososińska-Ciechomska (